Frontiers | Clinical EFT as an evidence-based practice for the treatment of psychological and physiological conditions: A systematic review

This article was published in a top, peer-reviewed journal ‘Frontiers in Psychology’. Please take a read and see how research is proving Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to be an evidence-based, efficacious therapeutic method in the clinical arena.

New York City Is a Lot Safer Than Small-Town America

While it may seem otherwise, this in depth analysis by Bloomberg offers a different perspective on the safety of American cities that may surprise you.

“Rising homicide rates don’t tell the whole story. When you dig deeper into data on deaths, you'll find the more urban your surroundings, the less danger you face.”

Read this illuminating article on

Emotional Mastery: The Gifted Wisdom of Unpleasant Feelings

A fascinating talk from Dr Joan Rosenberg at TEDxSantaBarbara.

What often blocks people from feeling capable in life and from having greater success with finances, health or relationships is how they handle unpleasant feelings. Psychologist Joan Rosenberg unveils the innovative strategy and surprising keys for experiencing the challenging emotions that lie at the heart of confidence, emotional strength, and resilience.

Click here to hear it on YouTube…

Pamela Thorp presents "What You Eat and What’s Eating You"


What You Eat and What’s Eating You: The Gut-Brain Connection-Considerations in the Treatment of Trauma

This presentation was given on October 19, 2019 at a colloquia event sponsored by The New York State Society for Clinical SocialWork. Although it is geared to an audience of mental health professionals, the material is accessible to the non-professional.

Click here to view this presentation

Practical Tips For Lowering Blood Pressure From Andrew Weil, M.D.

In this YouTube video Dr. Weil provides some simple, yet effective, tips for lowering blood pressure naturally. With high blood pressure affecting so many people, prescription blood pressure medication is being used more than ever. While medication is effective, there are negative side effects that some people may not be able to tolerate. Following these simple tips can help effectively lower high blood pressure.

Click here to watch it on YouTube>>

How Sitting Too Much Is Making Us Sick and Fat – and What to Do about It

“The typical U.S. adult is sedentary for 60 percent of their waking hours and sits for an average of six hours per day (and often much more, in the case of those who work primarily on computers). In fact, being sedentary is now the norm and exercise is primarily seen as an intervention - something we do to guard against the negative impacts of a sedentary lifestyle.”

Great article by Chris Kresser, M.S.

Click here to read it on his website:

Honoring the Women Who Choose to Live Child-Free

Fascinating interview with the original creator of “Sex and the City”, author Candace Bushnell.

“For three decades Candace Bushnell has captivated readers with her bold, zeitgeisty take on navigating dating and love. Her New York Observer column entitled “Sex and the City,” loosely based on Bushnell’s social escapades, ran in the mid-90s. The column attracted droves of fans and evolved into a book and a hit HBO show (not to mention films years later)—all of which starred characters that became household names.”

Click here to read it on Maria Shriver’s Sunday Paper website.